Short Stories
A Bit of Humor
Contact Me

My short stories appear in the following books. Some of the tales are heartfelt, some are funny. I've added a brief description of each that I hope might entice you to read one or all of them.

Chicken Soup Stories

  • "Panic" in Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul 2 (2004)

I was sitting in my eighth grade English class when my face went numb. I didn’t recognize my own voice. I was going to faint. It was my first panic attack-- and it was terrifying. “Panic” tells the story of this frightening time in my life and how I learned to cope with my panic disorder.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "Panic" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk Tough Times (2008)

Dear Marie-Therese Miller:

Congratulations. Your story, "Panic," was chosen to be included in one of our "101 Best" books, representing our favorites from our library of stories.

D’ette Corona
Assistant Publisher
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "Presents of Mine" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Love Stories (2008)

“Presents of Mine,” is a humorous reflection about my loving husband’s gift giving inabilities. In addition to being included in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Love Stories, it was published internationally by King Features Syndicate.
Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "My Mother's Novena" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Catholic Faith (2008)

My mother had an unshakable belief in the power of prayer. “My Mother’s Novena” recounts how her beloved Catholic faith carried her through life’s trials and multiplied her joy.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "The Miracle of Mariette Reis" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles (2010)

This inspiring story was told to me by my mother's faithful friend, Giselle Reis, and concerns her mother's miraculous cure through the intercession of Father Damien, priest to the leprosy sufferers of Molokai.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "Acceptance" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Teenagers (2011)

My daughter, Erin, went through a painful experience in middle school, which she allowed me to retell in this story about growing through challenges.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "It is Well" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven (2012)

National best seller! 

Paul was my husband John's manager, mentor, and friend. "It is Well" is my retelling of Paul's impact on John, which extended beyond Paul's earthly life.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "Be Not Afraid" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to Stress (2012)

I was diagnosed with panic disorder decades ago. Panic attacks continue to affect me, but the techniques I learned all those years ago help me live a fulfilled and happy life.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "Riding Shotgun" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope & Miracles (2015)

My dad was a consummate teacher. He taught me to be a safe driver and continued to protect me in my vehicle--even after he passed.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble

  • "Dr. Nanny" in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Empowered Woman (2018)

I had always dreamed of earning my Ph.D. At 52 years old and with most of my five children grown, I gathered my courage and went for it. This story is a reflection of my journey to becoming Dr. Nanny.

Purchase at: Barnes & Noble
